Why do we need another blog on Adult ADHD?

Why do we need another blog on Adult ADHD?

Adult ADHD is now one of the most widely discussed mental health topics.

So, why do we need another blog on ADHD? Because someone needs to present accurate scientific information on this disorder. ADHD and now adult ADHD is widely research throughout the world and you should have this information available to you so that you and family members can reach informed decisions for your best treatment. Whether you pursue traditional treatments of therapy and medication or alternative/complementary treatments, go into treatment understanding the limitations and reasonable expectations for outcome.

In future blogs, I will discuss my clinical insights for diagnosis and care which I have gained from my patients over 25 years. In addition, as issues are present in the public press or scientific literature, I will try to provide some oversight as to the meaning of the information and put it into proper perspective. Misinformation is the hobgobblin of effective treatment.

If you want to know who I am and my credentials, please go to www. addadult.com for my complete profile.

And so, with my first blog, let me leave you with my axiom:

Allow science to be the designated driver on the highway of opinions.

Thank you for your interest. David W. Goodman, M.D.